Fan-made archival of Quarrel by Denki
The How to Play menu contains 19 information cards that explain various topics, from game rules to AI traits.
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WORD POWER RULES! Get ready for a war with words... A dozen different islands are destined to be dominated. Each one is evenly devided between the players. Win the game by owning every territory on an island. Can you conquer them all?
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PLAYING QUARREL: EASY AS ABC! There are three simple steps to playing Quarrel. STEP 1! Pick one of your squads. STEP 2! Pick a neighbour to fight. STEP 3! Make the best word fastest. Keep doing that until you own EVERYTHING!
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QUARREL AND CONQUER! Make a word with the given letters. The number of troops in each squad determines the longest word you can make. But the longest word isn't always the best... The winner is the player who makes the word worth the most points. Letter values range from 'E' (one point) up to 'J' and 'Q' (15 points).
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THOUSANDS OF WEAPONS TO MAKE AND USE! Words are your weapons. If you attack and win, you can capture the losers territory and all but one of your troops move in (someone has to hold the fort). If you attack and lose, you lose all but one troop. If you attack and draw, the fastest player wins. Remember: make the highest-scoring word fastest!
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TAKE TURNS TO PLAY! Your turn lasts until a) you decide to end it or b) you can no longer attack other players or move your troops around. End your turn to call in reinforcements. You get one reinforcement for each territory you own.
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KNOW YOUR WORD RULES! You might be surprised by what's a word... Some slang is acceptable. Plurals with an 's' are fine. But words that need an apostrophe (I'm) or hyphen (X-ray) are invalid, as are initials (TV) and words that start with capital letters (Gary).
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TRANSFER TROOPS BETWEEN SQUADS! You can move your troops between squads next to each other. Select one of your squads then select a neighbour. Now you can move troops between the squads. Once that's done, those squads cannot be used again for the rest of that turn.
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BEAT BIGGER SQUADS TO TAKE PRISONERS! If you are outnumbered when quarrelling and you win, you take prisoners. It doesn't matter if you were attacking or defending, the number of prisoners depends on how many more troops the loser had. The prisoners now fight for your side!
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TRAILBLAZING FOR BONUS TROOPS! Use the same troops to capture as many connected territories as possible. The longer that winning strak, the more potential bonus troops bring up the rear (represented by flaming torches). End your turn with the winning troops undefeated to gain the bonus troops, otherwise they are lost.
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GET TREASURE AND BACKUP TROOPS! Win, lose or draw, every word you make adds to your treasure store, so it always pays to try to make the highest-scoring word you can. The more a word scores, the more it's worth. A full treasure bank is swapped for a Backup Troop. You can only call on ONE Backup Troop at the start of a quarrel.
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MAKE THE MOST OF BONUS TIME! When it's not your turn and you aren't quarrelling you can still use your word power to make a difference. Use the time while the other players are quarrelling to make a word for bonus treasure. Make an anagram for a big bonus!
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SO YOU NEED TO CUT SHORT A MATCH? Challenge all other players to Sudden Death! Winner takes all! It's like a normal quarrel but with all players making a word at the same time. The value of the word you make is multiplied by the number of troops your have (which is your potential to win). The biggest score wins the game. Simple.
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MEET THE PLAYERS: THE NORMAL Sweet Dwayne's quite slow, lacks insight and favours word length over value. Impulsive Caprice on the other hand lacks foresight and plays fast, erratic and agressive, whereas canny bully Biff is a cautious player with reasonable word power.
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MEET THE PLAYERS: THE ADEPT Virtuous Troy's an able all-rounder who always plays to win fair. Devilish Damien, however, is fast, sharp, devious, and has been known to set traps. Malicious Malik has good word and strategy skills and bears grudges!
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MEET THE PLAYERS: THE ELITE Thinker Rex favours weird words but lacks strategic vision, while clever Helena is studious, considered and dangerous across the board. Killer Kali is a fast and ferocious wordicidal maniac, so watch out!
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WORD IQ Word IQ is based on how often you make the best word possible. A Word IQ of 150 is pretty good; over 180 is awesome; perfection is 200. Use the Word IQ of each opponent to guage how good they are. Keep an eye on your average.
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USEFUL QUARREL TIPS! - Use the Shuffle button in a quarrel to see the letters in a new order. - Not going first means adopting different strategies to stay in the match. - Sometimes it pays to call in a Backup Troop even if you don't need it: you can carry it forwards!
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USEFUL QUARREL FACTS! - Don't ignore opponents for too long; you give them time to build up treasure and troops. - Each territory holds no more than EIGHT troops so reinforcements are wasted. Move 'em or lose 'em! - You can play Quarrel with Xbox LIVE Vision, Xbox 360 Chatpad or USB keyboard.
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HEY! THAT'S A VALID WORD! You might be right, but we are forbidden to transmit over Xbox LIVE any words considered offensive in one or more countries. As a result, some words in our dictionary that are fine in Single Player cannot be used in Multiplayer matches. This rule and the words considered offensive are completely outside of our control.
Quarrel Archival Project © silvncr & team, 2023-2024 — MIT License
Quarrel © 2011-2012 Denki Limited, 2011 Ignition Entertainment Ltd.