Fan-made archival of Quarrel by Denki
Welcome to the Quarrel Archival Project.
This is a fan-made archival of Quarrel, a word-based strategy game by Denki Games that was shut down by Disney. The game was released for iOS in 2011, and for Xbox LIVE Arcade in 2012.
The authors of this project have no affiliation with Denki Limited or Disney Enterprises, Inc. No profits are generated from this project. It is for educational purposes only.
Our goal is to provide an explanation of the game’s rules and mechanics. We imagine this resource will help in niche use cases, such as if someone wants to create a privately-distributed physical “board game” version, etc. In such cases, treat this project as a “rulebook”.
As such, this project does not violate any copyright laws. We merely aim to make it easier for people to understand the rules of the game.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Quarrel Archival Project © silvncr & team, 2023-2024 — MIT License
Quarrel © 2011-2012 Denki Limited, 2011 Ignition Entertainment Ltd.